Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Prince's Rainforest Project for Schools

England has a beautiful website that is all about the rainforest. It has videos, a book, games and all sorts of resources for a great rainforest curriculum. It is aimed at the 3 - 16 year old student according to the website, but I found lots of great resources for anyone!
I recommend that you spend time on this site, even if you aren't teaching the rainforest!

Writing Prompts - Cartooning

If you are looking for a fun way to teach other ways to write, I recommend you spend some time looking at Make Beliefs Comix.  This web site has the cartoons already drawn. You can print or email your creations when you are done. If you want to save the cartoon, you will have to use a screen grab to do that, but this is an easy thing to accomplish. There are also good one panel cartoons that can be printed out as writing prompts. They have a cute cartoon and then a writing prompt and space for the student to write their response. You find this at the printables page.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

iNudge - Make your own kind of music

This site is really fun to play with sounds and rhythms. I did find that it did not work in my Safari browser, but worked fine on the Firefox browser. http://www.inudge.net/
YOu can then share your sound with others by email or embed it in your web site.